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Showing posts from February, 2009

The Frozen Five

hey! heres some pics of my band-The Frozen Five I wasn't able to upload the videos.... jake-lead singer and 7 string guitar matt-base guitar stuart-guitar bryce-keyboard mel-drums!! and byron came with me to give me a few tips!
hey! so right now i am in percussion ensemble and listening to a awesome piece called ogoun badagris or something like that. there are five guys in playing, and each part is a multiple percussion setup.  today i hung out with this guy name byron who is actually playing right now. we went to his apartment and jammed on his drum set for a while. it was so much fun! even though i really was suppose to be in my math class...i couldn't pass this uP! and i learned a lot of cool new things that i will be able to play in my bands rehearsal tonight. he may even be coming to my rehearsal tonight and help me out and teach me more of what i could play when. i'm excited!  anyways! i gotta go!  i'll add some pictures soon!
Hey! So last night I went on a group date with Brett to his house in Rigby. Here are some pictures of us boxing on the Wii! It was overall a really fun night!