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Showing posts from September, 2008

101 Things About ME!

Alright, so all my sisters were doing this so I thought I'd take the time to do it myself! Here I go! 1. I love spiderman fruit snacks and fruit jammers 2. My favorite color is green 3. I hate the feeling of lotion on the crease of skin where the inside of my elbow is 4. I used take on average about 3 Ibuprofen a day 5. I am the lightest sleeper and I wake up to everything! It's so annoying 6. I would love to be the drummer for any type of band someday 7. My passion is the marimba. I have to play it at least once a day to keep me sane! 8. I've been in college for two years now, and I am starting my third year of college and I still am not sure what I want to major in. 9. As of right now I am planning to be a chemistry education major with a minor in music or music education, but I am not declaring it for a while because I know that as soon as I declare it, I will want to change it. 10. I am very indecisive about everything... okay well mostly about boys and my major. ha. 11...

roommates and pictures

alrighty so i already wrote a way long email to tell everyone what is going on in my life but i wanted to post pictures on here so those of you who don't have facebook (parents) can look at them! after church today we decided that we should go up to the temple and take 'family' pictures. we all lucked out this semester and got really awesome roommates. oh and do you like my photo editing?? if you don't have picasa i totally recommend getting it. and its free! ..ok so i have tried to upload the photos but they are taking forever! dang it. they are so cute. the internet is so slow here and i have to go in the lounge to get it because we haven't been able to get any in our apartment....

It's been way too long!

ha so much for saying that i will have more time to update my blog while i am here.... i guess i just haven't been making time to do this. i'm been keeping myself busy with so many other things that i am hoping that someday they will have been worth it. i'm been practicing marimba, clarinet, snare rudiments, flute, these piano profiecency (sp?) so i don't have to take the class and hopefully i will pass the test to test out of it, my ear training... i am so nervous for this class. and it's the only one i'm nervous for. i just hope i get better at it. and then i've started reading the book that i'm going to do my book report on this semester. i have to do one each semester for my percussion lessons. i choose "Percussion Instruments and Their History" by James Blades. It's really interesting but there is so much information that he provides. I just like to know the basics but he throws so much in there it's hard to remember everything! to...