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It's been way too long!

ha so much for saying that i will have more time to update my blog while i am here.... i guess i just haven't been making time to do this. i'm been keeping myself busy with so many other things that i am hoping that someday they will have been worth it. i'm been practicing marimba, clarinet, snare rudiments, flute, these piano profiecency (sp?) so i don't have to take the class and hopefully i will pass the test to test out of it, my ear training... i am so nervous for this class. and it's the only one i'm nervous for. i just hope i get better at it. and then i've started reading the book that i'm going to do my book report on this semester. i have to do one each semester for my percussion lessons. i choose "Percussion Instruments and Their History" by James Blades. It's really interesting but there is so much information that he provides. I just like to know the basics but he throws so much in there it's hard to remember everything!

today is my last day of work! yay! i work 12:30-5pm. I really hope it goes by fast. it's really hard to go to work during my last week. i just want to be done!
i've been packing all my stuff up and getting ready to go to rexburg! last night brett johnson picked up about five boxes of stuff to take in his truck. random that he would even offer. maybe he's making it up to me because pushed me out of my innertube a few weeks ago while we were floating the river for a FHE activity. i secretly hate him for that. everyone was laughing at me while i was struggling to get back up on my tube when it was going down the river. one other guy was trying to help me get on while he was trying to stay on his tube. brett, who was on a raft with three other people, including the branch president, bro. hathaway, just sat there and laughed at me. and i my board shorts were falling down and i was praying that my bottoms to my swim suit were staying up! i was so embarassed but pretended like i thought iwas funny....

but i can't wait to be in rexburg! either though this semester will be hard mostly beacuse i have 7:45 class EVERY DAY and i've been trying to wake up early this week but i am SOOOO tired. the earliest i've woken up was today at 9am... i better get it together so i don't miss my first day of class! i decided not to work this semester. i don't know what i was thinking trying to go to class from 7:45-3 mon and wed and 7:45-5:30 on tues, thurs, and fridays. plus homework and practicing and hopefully working out and having a social life so i can try to date and then have a part time job! i would probably go INSANE! i'm really excited though because i am moving into a new apartment complex with my friend molly and we really hope we are in a different ward! we have been in the same ward for three semesters now and are definetly ready for a change. i'm excited to meet new people!

yay! the parents got a new computer! i love it! it's so fun to watch youtube videos at their actual speed and not have to wait a half hour for them to buffer! plus i realy like xp.

well i need to get ready for the day! love you all!

can you believe i updated my blog?!?


JD Seibel said…
whoa! finally!!!!!!! holy crow you have a full schedule. maybe drop a class? you might die. seriously. take it easy!

that's not cool about people laughing when you fell off your tube. dorks. don't they know you have a fear of falling off boats and almost drowning and getting saved by hero cousins??? geez!
Emily Judd said…
woohoo for the update! you need pictures though! Don't tell me you didn't take anypictures this summer. Good luck with school and everything. Seems like you have a lot on your plate.
Anonymous said…

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