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101 Things About ME!

Alright, so all my sisters were doing this so I thought I'd take the time to do it myself! Here I go!

1. I love spiderman fruit snacks and fruit jammers

2. My favorite color is green

3. I hate the feeling of lotion on the crease of skin where the inside of my elbow is

4. I used take on average about 3 Ibuprofen a day

5. I am the lightest sleeper and I wake up to everything! It's so annoying

6. I would love to be the drummer for any type of band someday

7. My passion is the marimba. I have to play it at least once a day to keep me sane!

8. I've been in college for two years now, and I am starting my third year of college and I still am not sure what I want to major in.

9. As of right now I am planning to be a chemistry education major with a minor in music or music education, but I am not declaring it for a while because I know that as soon as I declare it, I will want to change it.

10. I am very indecisive about everything... okay well mostly about boys and my major. ha.

11. I've really only had one boyfriend

12. I've kissed three boys... and honestly i'm not a fan of kissing...

13. I can't stand painting my fingernails and I hate it when my nails are long

14. My roommate, Molly, and I decided to go run a mile last night at 11 o'clock

15. I can be very shy at times but I also can be very outgoing and sometimes I do like to have a lot of attention

16. I learn instruments easily, ha except for cello. sorry erica.

17. I am not competitive when it comes to boys.

18. I got asked out five times this week but only went on three dates

19. I had a really good 21st birthday!!!

20. I think I am very picky when it comes to boys and dating. Guess I haven't found the right guy yet...

21. I enjoy studying chemistry.

22. If there were two things I could do all day for school it would be studying chemistry and practicing the drums or marimba

23. I am 5'8.5"

24. My feet are size 10

25. The only face wash that works for me is ProActive

26. I like to run and I want to start running every day again!

27. Right now I am in the worst shape that I have ever been in my entire life

28. I look terrible with short hair

29. I've realized that if I don't wear my retainer at night and if I have bad posture throughout the day then I have a greater change of getting a migrain. Cause and effect? or correlation??

30. I used to be able to bend my pointer fingers all the way back to the back of my hand.

31. The number 8 is my favorite number

32. My favorite dinner is sloppy joes and my mom's recipe only! No one else knows the secret ingredient for making them so DELIOUS!

33. I have been to 18 of the 50 states

34. I eat soy yogurt and drink soy milk yummmm

35. oh ya and i'm lactose intolerant

36. I own 7 pairs of jeans and my favorite are Guess jeans

37. I don't look good in glasses

38. One of my new favorite movies is Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2

39. i love pictures!

40. i have sensitive ears

41. my favorite animal is a horse

42. i can't wait to have a family and be a mom :)

43. i love bacon, bbq sauce and coleslaw on my hotdogs. if you haven't tired it I RECOMMEND IT!

44. i'm really excited for julie to come home! she better come visit me asap!

45. i love my hair color and i am never going to die it. well...unless i go gray a lot sooner than i want to

46. it's been my goal for the past two years to be able to do the splits and i'm so close!

47. I really hope i graduate college...

48. roller skating is really scary. nothing like roller blading

49. i eat raw oats almost every morning

50. i used to think scrambled eggs were my favorite, but now i'm thinking that fried with the yoke a little runny is really good, especially on a piece of toast with peanut butter and jam

51. i wish i was really good at swing dancing

52. i hiked mt timp once

53. i've been parasailing

54. i've been to three rascall flatts concert, one n'sync concert, and one lonestar concert

55. i am currently wondering why mom and dad don't have a blog...??? they should do this too

56. i love sleeping

57. my favorite candy bar is twix or kitkat

58. i don't wash my hair every day

59. i wish rexburg had a bus system

60. i've heard a lot about how hard the chemistry classes are here so that really scares me to be a chemistry major. but i just am trying to have a positive attitude and think, 'well if my teachers were able to learn it then so can i'

61. i don't think rap is music...rapcrap

62. i have an interesting sense of humor and a lot of people don't understand it sometimes. but i appreciate those who do :)

63. my eyebrows are too far apart and i think it's because of the first time that i had my eyebrows plucked, but i don't want to regrow them out again. so they're probably going to be this way forever

64. i've had 10 moles removed

65. i hate having flabby arms so i try to lift weights a lot

66. i burned myself this morning while picking up my hair straightener and it hurt really bad

67. my favorite frosting is rainbow chip. i eat small spoonfuls everyday :) oh and they don't sell it in rexburg so i'm going to have to buy some more when i go back to boise

68. i hate eyes. looking at them doesn't bother me, but the fact that we can only see a small portion of our eyeball grosses me out.

69. i wish i was better at sports, especially basketball

70. i need 8 plus hours of sleep at night in order to get through the whole day without feeling exhausted

71. i am starting a collection of those willowtree little statue things that they sell at deseret book. i have three so far: Friendship, Free Spirit, & Thank You.

72. i love pepper on almost everything i eat!

73. i would someday like to finish some of the compositions i have made for marimba and other percussion instruments. and having them published would be really awesome!

74. i brush my teeth a lot

75. Where the Red Fern Grows is still one of my favorite books

76. i wonder what i would be doing right now if i didn't get involved in the percussion program here at BYUI

77. GAP chapstick is the best and the only thing that works for my lips

78. i'm a pretty fast typer

79. i'm in a public speaking class and i really like it! i'm doing an informative speech on the marimba!

80. i love byui

81. i don't like to use the word 'hot' to describe how somebody looks

82. i had 13 cavaties with my baby teeth

83. i'm going to take a nap now 3:07pm

84. 6:30pm....haha alrighty! where was i ?? wow i just had a great nap! :)

85. my calling in my ward is the relief society pianist

86. i slept through the relief society training meeting...

87. i was born in 1987, so that would make me 21!

88. i have to clean my ears with q-tips every day

89. i yawn all the time...

90. i wonder what my roommates are doing right now

91. i love angel food cake

92. i think my hair is getting too long and i need to cut it

93. i hope to someday own my very own Marimba One marimba...sigh... i'd love that

94. i love jason mraz

95. i am working on my very first booksmart scrapbook! i hope it turns out cute. hey! that's what i do with my money that the parentals gave me for my birthday!

96. i've had the same phone for three years now. i wonder how long it will last

97. i'm kinda a germ freak

98. i'm in a New Testament class and i'm reading out of the New Testament for Latter-Day Families and it makes so much more sense now! i recommend reading out of that book

99. i am not looking forward to winter in rexburg

100. it's only ok for daddy to call me missy and i don't like it when people i dont really like call me mel. especially when i never told them that i like it when people call me that.

101. wow! last one! i love my family! and i can't wait to go to utah for christmas and see my new nephew and all be together for the first time in over a year.


Emily Judd said…
this is so fun! okay my comments shouldn't take so much ibuprofen everyday. look into peppermint essential oil. It's great for headaches! And I thought you decided on your major! And That is so weird about the retainer thing! Keep wearing that thing I guess! I can't believe you are taking a public speaking class and are liking it! I wish I was more like you! YOu are so awesome!
JD Seibel said…
awwwhahaha you make me laugh mel! I love you! I'm so excited to see you this weekend!!!!! We gots to make that happen!
RWSeibel said…
I really like number 100! That makes me feel warm and fuzzy.


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