i really should be studying for my finals right now but i can only do so much studying in one day! i bought some dark chocolate because years ago dad gave me some to study with. supposedly it helps you study or something. so i used that as a good excuse to buy some! i love dark chocolate :) can you guess what i'm studying??
this morning we had an IRC (Institute Representative Council) breakfast at 6:30am. it was SO delicious. I ate about 10+ pieces of bacon ( i lost count) i haven't been fed that well for quite a while. and the hashbrowns were amazing.
oh so no real update on the "nose hairs" guy. ha oh well. we still talk but we kind of have to because we are both on IRC. i'm really excited for next year because i got called to be the vice president over the food and because it's such a crazy load Shannon Webb also got called as the vice president over food. i'm really excited to work with her. and we are going to be roommates this summer so we'll have plenty of time to brainstorm for the upcoming activities this next year.
tonight we have the closing institute social which i'm pretty excited about. A comedy group from BYU-I will be there and then we are going to have root beer floats and a dance.
so it is highly likely that i will be getting straight A's this semester! I'm mostly worried about my biology class though. I've gotten two A's and one C+ on tests, but 100%s on all the quizzes. but its my biology lab grade that may bring it down. for some reason i just can't get good grades on the reports. its so frustrating because i've taken quantitative analysis for chemistry and would get better grades on those reports than what i'm getting now in biology 101.... pray for me that i will do well on my final!
yesterday, mom and dad stopped in pocatello on their way to utah to see where i live. we met at the institute building and they were able to meet two of the institute faculty. dad and i also shot some hoopes in the gym but dads skills just aren't what they used to be. haha mom and i laughed really hard because he didn't want to leave until he made one. i'm not actually sure if he ever did make a shot...then we went to Five Guys Burgers and Fries. they have awesome burgers BUT the BACKYARD is WAY better. i am craving their food right now. oh and it was awkward beacuse the manager who interviewed me when i turned in my application was there. i didn't say anything to him though and i'm glad that i didn't get a job there.
here's a picture of mom with her ketchup! it was so funny because every time dad would want some ketchup it would be gone so he had to go back twice to get more because mom ate it all. she LOVES ketchup!

i am so thankful to be a part of the institute committee! its really been a blessing because i've been able to get to know so many awesome people here and make friends really quickly. it feels like i've been here at ISU a lot longer than just one semester.
oh so no real update on the "nose hairs" guy. ha oh well. we still talk but we kind of have to because we are both on IRC. i'm really excited for next year because i got called to be the vice president over the food and because it's such a crazy load Shannon Webb also got called as the vice president over food. i'm really excited to work with her. and we are going to be roommates this summer so we'll have plenty of time to brainstorm for the upcoming activities this next year.
tonight we have the closing institute social which i'm pretty excited about. A comedy group from BYU-I will be there and then we are going to have root beer floats and a dance.
so it is highly likely that i will be getting straight A's this semester! I'm mostly worried about my biology class though. I've gotten two A's and one C+ on tests, but 100%s on all the quizzes. but its my biology lab grade that may bring it down. for some reason i just can't get good grades on the reports. its so frustrating because i've taken quantitative analysis for chemistry and would get better grades on those reports than what i'm getting now in biology 101.... pray for me that i will do well on my final!

here's a picture of mom with her ketchup! it was so funny because every time dad would want some ketchup it would be gone so he had to go back twice to get more because mom ate it all. she LOVES ketchup!