probably one of the best shots of lindsey and i

we just LOVE jumping. it took about ten shots to get this picture. we never could jump all at the same time.

my friends from rexburg came to visit me a few weekends ago. we went on a picnic with sphaghetti and french bread haha and then attempted to fly a kite with hardly any wind. before ben and nathan came to pocatello, lindsey and i found a place to take a walk, so thats what we decided to do after we flew the kite. it was quite the adventure! here are some pictures! oh and after we got back to my apartment i accidently locked both of my keys in my bedroom so we spent the next three hours trying to card my door and do whatever we could to unlock it. finally my roommates fiance carded it! i was SO thankful that he got it open! unfortunately we didn't get any pictures of us trying to get it open. we have a funny video though, but i think lindsey wouldn'tbe too happy if i put it up :)