Wow, so i'm finally getting around to updating my blog. Julie sent me a text the other day saying how it's been over a year since i've updated, so I guess that means i'm right on track considering I only update about once a year! haha.
But really...who reads this? Probably just my parents and siblings, and whatever I write on here is pretty much everything they already know about because I call them almost every day.
So, i guess i'll update you all with my life. I transferred to Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho! That has been one of the best decisions I have made in a long time! I love it here and I feel like I am actually ready for college, to learn, and get a degree. I can really focus here and the classes and schedule is so much more relaxed than BYU-I. I love BYU-I though. It was just way to much of a social atmosphere for me. ha that's what happens when you've been there for nine semesters and you end up knowing almost everyone on campus!
Well, two of my best friends got married this last year. Stefanie and Jamie! I was bridesmaids for both of them. They were beautiful brides! Jamie married Jarom Schmidt and Stefanie married Ryan Nelson. For some reason I can't find any pictures of Stefanie's wedding. My computer really likes to delete song from my itunes and my pictures....

um thats all for now! maybe i'll continue updating tomorrow
But really...who reads this? Probably just my parents and siblings, and whatever I write on here is pretty much everything they already know about because I call them almost every day.
So, i guess i'll update you all with my life. I transferred to Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho! That has been one of the best decisions I have made in a long time! I love it here and I feel like I am actually ready for college, to learn, and get a degree. I can really focus here and the classes and schedule is so much more relaxed than BYU-I. I love BYU-I though. It was just way to much of a social atmosphere for me. ha that's what happens when you've been there for nine semesters and you end up knowing almost everyone on campus!
Well, two of my best friends got married this last year. Stefanie and Jamie! I was bridesmaids for both of them. They were beautiful brides! Jamie married Jarom Schmidt and Stefanie married Ryan Nelson. For some reason I can't find any pictures of Stefanie's wedding. My computer really likes to delete song from my itunes and my pictures....

um thats all for now! maybe i'll continue updating tomorrow