i know i already talked about the parade but i wanted to put up some pictures of it. they aren't the best quality because stef took them from her phone but they are better than nothing!

i love the tenors! even though they weigh about 50lbs!
tomorrow we were supposed to have white glove checks at 10am but because a lot of girls will be out of town now we don't have to clean until we check out!!! now i have a stress free weekend and all that i really have to do is perform in the Savior of the World tonight and tomorrow night. i have been practicing SO much lately!!!Four hours on wednesday and four hours yesterday. Yesterday i practiced drumset for two hours and then marimba for two hours. i've been working on this piece called, "Dream of the Cherry Blossoms" which when i looked at it last friday, it was by far the hardest piece i have ever played before. but i've practiced a lot this week and now i can play the entire thing! oh! and on wednesday i had my first experience playing with a jazz combo. i was really nervous because i didn't really know what to play but they just said to keep time so i did. i played some jazz, samba and bossa nova. i am going to audition for jazz combos in the fall. i'm really excited about it because drumming is what will get me the most gigs and money... when i get good enough that is. :)
So i tried uploading a song on here but i don't think i can do that. so here is a video "Dream of the Cherry Blossoms." I love this song. It is so fun to play.
Here's another peice that i played called "Two Mexican Dances for Marimba" but i just played the second movement. I couldn't find a good youtube video of Katamiya but if any of you want to you can look it up. the internet here is really slow so i wasn't able to watch all of them.
sorry it's not the best quality.
Last night I spent three hours cleaning and packing my room! Parentals::: my friend marcie is letting me keep a lot of my stuff at her duplex for the break. its funny because you don't realize how much stuff you have until you actually pack it all up.
I've been going to a physical therapist lately for my hands and they seem to be getting better! i can practice for longer too. plus i have these awesome braces that i put on and they are so cute....ha not. i'm thinking of taking a picture and posting it on here but i really don't want to get up to get my camera. but the braces are better than the tape i had wrapped around my wrists. i got a lot of weird looks on campus. they probably thought i cut my wrists or something.
well i've wasted a lot of time today. i feel like practicing. thats the only thing i really seem to want to do.
Glad you got a new brace. Tape on your wrists is pretty strange! hahaa ;)