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So last night the scariest thing happened to me. i was in the living room just chatting with people on facebook and watching a movie with my roommate, casey, at one in the morning, when someone knocked on our window. so i get up and quickly open the blinds and say, 'what?!" and suddenly there was this really scary looking maniquin doll head thing that hair schools use that had black hair and a white face and it was hanging from a stick! i screamed and ran and basically hurdled over the couch! it was so scary! i had to have my roommate close the blinds for me. it was funny though. casey said that they did that to her last semester during finals week. i really wish i would have gotten that on tape though. i freaked out! ha. i wonder who did it.

one more week to go and then i come home!!! i miss being home. i'm kind of getting sick of rexburg sometimes... oh and i don't think i want to be a music ed major anymore because i really don't want to be a band director. i want to be a percussion instructor and teach privately and perform. NOT do all the things that come with being a band director. you hardly ever have time to play your own instrument. i just don't want to do all of that. and that would be hard to do when i hopefully have a family someday. and i REALLY do not want to do student teaching. so this way if i go into pedagogy or performance i wouldn't have to do that! but now i would have to think of a minor.... i really don't know what i would minor in. and then i have to decide if i'm staying here or go to boise state. i think i could get a way bigger scholarship going to boise state. i should talk to bro taylor about it though and see if i can get a bigger scholarship. i feel like with all the work that i am doing i deserve a lot more money than what just pays for lessons each semester. so if anyone has any ideas of what to minor in let me know! but i'm not doing chemistry or something like that because i just don't think i could handle all the work and i really don't think i'm going to use my minor anyways.

so life in rexburg has been pretty good! not much to say about it really.... um... ya go nothing really.

oh i had a migraine today for the first time in months! it was so weird. i think it has to do with how i'm sleeping. the past couple of monrnings i've been waking up and i'm just so sore. wow i do not miss those headaches. it hurt so bad. i don't know how i handled having at least two a day for the past six years. i'm so thankful for blood pressure medicine that prevents them! yay!

love you all!


Emily Judd said…
okay that totally happened to me my freshman year. stupid boys!
JD Seibel said…
wow, scary! who does that though? I hate stuff like that.

You've had 2 migraines a day for the past SIX years? How did i not realize that? Poor mellie... :( I'm glad you don't get them as often now.
Anonymous said…
Mel! Come to Boise State! It's fun..sometimes! Oh! I would totally freak if that happened to me! I would have nightmares.

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