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back in boise!

Now that school is out and I really don't have too many responsibilities here at home, I think I'll have more time to update my blog!
I am finally done with the most boring class, Music tech!!! And I am so glad I passed with an A. It was a good idea to take that class in the summer when I had more time to do the pointless assignments than during the fall, when i know that would have been the class that stressed me out the most. I also had my jury on wednesday and i earned an A-. Which I am really happy about. I messed up on drum set on the part that I thought i was going to do well on and did better on the things that i wasn't so confident about. probably because i was thinking more about it. im glad its over with though.
Dad came and picked me up Thursday night, after I spent three hours cleaning the kitchen and my room for white glove, and we started heading towards home. Three hours for white glove is actually really good timing! Then again, dad did help me out a little bit with the kitchen when he got to my apartment. Thanks dad! So I am finally home and will be here for 7 weeks! Yesterday, Stefanie Johnson, her dad, and I drove down to Boise State to meet Dr. Baldwin. He's the percussion instructor there and is letting me rent a marimba until i go back to school! so now there is this 4 1/3 octave marimba (about the length of the long couch) in our living room and i can play it basically whenever i want. too bad my hands are hurting lately.... yesterday i was so excited to play the marimba, i didn't really warm up which was a bad idea. i need to learn to stretch and relax when i play or else i'm going to have a lot of problems...
it has been a lot of fun being home already! i love the people here in boise! and i'm excited to actually start running and working out again... possibly even clog a little bit! i feel like i have no time while i'm in school, let alone energy, to even do a few crunches... and now that i can wear capris and shorts, because i can't on campus at byu-i, i need to fit into them! ah! i can still get them on but they are a little tighter than last summer...dang it.
tomorrow i start working at the gap again! i'm so lucky to have a job i can come back to even for a few weeks and make some money for school. i'm really not that good of a sales person and trying to tell customers why this is the best product and bla bla bla....but i am pretty good at selling those gap cards! my managers like me more because of that so come in and pretend like you don't know me and sign up for one! great benefits! ha :)


JD Seibel said…
cool that you got your job back! that's really nice. :) and not fair that you are home. :(
RWSeibel said…
Yay for passing white glove! Yay for coming home! Yay for Mum and Dad letting you keep a full-sized marimba in the living room! Yay for cool marimba music in our living room! Yay for swimming suits that fit and look good! Yay for getting your job back! Yay for Boise and Mom and Dad and sisters and friends and music and food and being young and learning new things and, yeah, like, yeah!!!


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