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Today was a really good day! I had a lesson with Bro. Taylor on timpani technique because I've been a slacker when it comes to me practicing timpani. I just want to practice set and marimba. And I told him that I'm not motivated to play timpani and he said, 'well i guess i need to push you harder' i'm so glad he said that because thats exactly what i need! i think he's finally realizing how i learn things! i need to be pushed and given a lot of things to work on at once. not just one thing. so we had a 45 min lesson and i practiced from 12 to 5. but during those five hours i also practiced marimba, set and tenors. at 5pm bro taylor came back to see me and i showed him what i worked on timpani. and he was happy with what he saw! so thats good. now instead of just working with the right hand i can practice the left hand too. yayayayayay!

so tonight i have a date with spencer. its not really a date but we're making cake and popcorn and then making a fort and watching a movie! creative huh? i'm really excited about it. oh ya for those of you who havne't heard about spencer he is my home teacher. and guess where he is from....Boise! funny huh? i like him but i'm not sure how much i'm attracted to him. but i'll see how things go. it told my roommate that he gets impressed with me every day. cute huh? anyways. i'll let oyu know how tonight goes. i'm really hoping that only family members are reading this...

wow i am so tired right now from practicing. i think i'll take a nap....


JD Seibel said…
Holy crow you practiced for 5 hours???? Dang. That's dedication.

I hope all goes well tonight, even though it is Friday the 13th. Hey, maybe it's a lucky day for you. ;)
RWSeibel said…
5 hours is way too long... . No snack breaks? No text messaging breaks? No chocolate?

Soooooo how was movie night? Popcorn and cake - good! Build a fort? Sounds like he was looking for some where to be cozy with you... !
RWSeibel said…
Hmm, a fort?! Are you at war with somebody? :-D Tell me more.

Like Julie sez, "Holy crow!!!"


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