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long day...

so last night was okay. we made popcorn which turned out really good. we put a surgary/maple syrup/butter mixture on it that was yummy. we ended up watching part of terminal but couldn't finish it because of curfew. the fort was alright. but i don't think any fort will ever beat the ones that we used to make in the game room when we were kids. those were awesome! as far as liking this guy... im not too into him... when he dropped me off last night i gave him a hug but it wasn't because i wanted to hug him. my roommate was in the lounge so he stopped by to say hi to her and told her that i'm awesome. so i think he likes me more than i like him. oops...why does this always happen?? i'm never going to get married! ha

today i work from 11-3 and then 5 to close which wil be about midnight.... long day! but it will be worth it. i went from only working two hours this week to about twenty! i'm looking forward to pay day. :)

today is so sunny! this is the best weather we've had for weeks!

i don't remember if i wrote about this on here yet but i emailed marimba one, an marimba company, asking about the pricing of their marimbas. Ron Samuels, i'm pretty sure he's the president of the company because his name is on the marimba we have here at school, emailed me back with the price of the marimba i want. $12,100. Bro Taylor said that is pretty good. i'm a third of the way there! Ron Samuels emailed me again asking if I had any questions. I want to email him back but I don't plan on getting a marimba for quite a while because I can't afford it. Maybe i'll ask him about their payment plans.

well i think i'll take a nap before i go back to work another six hours. good thing i like working there. i eat way to much custard though... its so good. the flavor of the day today is blackberry cheesecake yum! and the best hot dog there is the southern belle. i eat it almost every time i work. i'm getting fat....

emily i don't know if you got my email about wanting to visit you in california! i saw the video on your blog with easton and he's gotten so tall! i can't believe it! i'm missing out... :(

i love you all!


RWSeibel said…
The obligatory hug? hmmmmm. Oh well.

Don't eat so much custard! You'll regret it... .

Emily Judd said…
hey! I am glad you areblogging! you just need a picture for every time you post and it is much more interesting. As for coming to see me....PLEASE???? I would love for you to come!

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