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Fine, I'll blog... :)

Ok, so I'm really going to try to keep up with this blogging thing. I just need to get myself to do it. I think i have a hard time writing down things like I would in a journal but knowing that other people will be reading it when I post it.

So, where should I start? I really hope that the only people that are reading this will be my family. Am I right emily???

Today, I had my drum set lesson with Jay Lawrence, who I just found out today, won first place at a drum festival in Las Vegas or something like that. He's really good! And I'm sure he's getting to be well known in the drummer world. And who took lessons from him??? ME! He'll probably be here in the fall too to teach. As long as he's teaching, I will be taking lessons from him. I've learned so much more this summer than I did in two semesters with other teachers. And... he's says I have talent. lol. It's good to get a compliment from him. :)

I performed my first two solos on a marimba at a recital today!!! And my home teacher, spencer, who is from boise, came... :) I feel pretty good about my performance, it being my first time and all. I had practiced in that room to get a feel for how the sound would be but I didn't' think about the lights that would be shining on me. They were so bright! And it hurt to look at the marimba. So that made things more difficult. I couldn't stop thinking about, 'gosh i hate those lights right now' when I was performing. So i wasn't totally focused on the music and that caused me to miss notes. That is definetly something performance majors would have to take into account when they are on tour. Everything, the lights and sound, are different. But it was a really good experience for me. I want to perform as much as I can and get better at it. Now i am exhausted though. I focused so much and put everything I had into my performance and now I can actually relax. I wanted to go to bed early tonight but that probalby won't happen. I spend too much time talking to friends over the internet... :)

I signed up for classes in the fall the other day. so much for never having 7:45am classes every day.... all of the method classes are at that time.... these next two years are going to be crazy for me if I want to do my student teaching in the fall of 2010. hopefully i can get big scholarships each year because i probably won't have a lot of time to make money during the school year. music majors here go non stop everyday. they seriously need to have dorms on the roof on the snow building. i would so live there.

So i was thinking about it and I want to go see the Judd's sometime during my seven week break before fall semester starts again. When I watched the video of easton that emily put up i couldn't believe how much he has grown! i'm missing out! I want to see him so much and i don't want to wait until christmas. i'll have to see how much it would all cost because i have no money right now.
well thats all for now! i hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope i'm doing this blog thing right.
love you all!


JD Seibel said…
Yay Mel!!!!!!!!! You've given in to the blogging world! And let me just say, that i had no idea you were doing performances. Thanks for keeping me so informed..! You're awesome though :D
Emily Judd said…
please come to Boise????!!!

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