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Showing posts from July, 2012

bracelets and earring holder

Last year I came across this website that showed me how to make cute bracelets. I made one for all my sisters last year for Christmas and decided to make two more a few days ago. I thought they turned out pretty cute! Annnnnd, this past year I have acquired so many earrings and my little box that I put them in was getting so full that I needed to figure something else out to make my life easier when it came to trying to find what earrings I wanted to wear. I started looking on ebay and pinterest for earring holders and wasn't finding anything until I came across a picture frame with cork board with one piece of lace around it. I thought, well maybe I could do something like that but with all lace, and wala! (is that how you spell it?) This is what I came up with. I love it. It is so perfect for me!

new plans!

so as of lately, I've decided to not spend so much time on facebook. And for those of you who want to know what is going on in my life can read about it on my blog! i probably won't post much but i'm going to try my best! I had to go back to Boise last Thursday because I needed to get some more moles removed from my favorite doc, Dr. Schwendiman! I couldn't ask for a better dr. He does such a great job stitching me up, that sounds weird but it's true, he's really good at it. While I was home my mom and I took in some of my pants and made them into skinny jeans. I've had a pair of mint colored pants since my senior year in high school and I am so glad I kept them because who knew that mint would be SO IN six years later?? Here's a picture of the final product.